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Generating Leads Online – What Mortgage Brokers Must Know

Today, more and more people are turning to the internet for real estate, and real estate brokers must know how to use online marketing to succeed. Gathering mortgage broker leads online can be intimidating, especially at first. Through practice and training, you can leverage digital channels and become a successful real estate professional.

Generating Real Estate Leads Online

You need to find leads effectively if you want a full pipeline. Property market forecasts for Australian real estate show that house prices will continue to rise through 2021 and 2022. There is strong demand and low supply of homes, which means you need to organise your lead generation system to match buyers with properties successfully. A lead management tool will help you maximise each prospect properly.

How to Generate Mortgage Broker Leads

Most lead generation systems, even ones that have nothing to do with real estate, contain basics like landing page and ads creation, deployment, and outreach. Here is a closer look at each of these.

1. Creating Landing Pages

Real estate leads won’t just stumble on your website. You need a way for them to find you, and a landing page is one place where they can do that. These simple web pages let you deliver information vital to closing a sale. 

A landing page does not have to be complicated; it just needs to succeed in two things. First, it must collect basic information about your prospects, like their name and email address. Second, it should convince them to respond to a CTA or call-to-action. Examples of CTAs for real estate are “schedule a tour” or “see our listings.”

2. Designing Advertisements

Once you have your landing page, you need to create advertisements for it. There are different places where you can put up sponsored posts and ads for landing pages on YouTube, Facebook, or Google. Facebook, which has become a social media giant with approximately 2.85 billion monthly active users as of 2021, is one of the largest and most reliable channels for advertising a product or service. YouTube’s 2.3 billion users and Google’s nearly four billion are also significant sources of leads.

3. Driving Traffic and Leads

After setting up a landing page and advertisements, you need to drive traffic to these properties. There are many ways you can get people to view your ads and landing pages. For example, many mortgage brokers use pay-per-lead advertising, where they have referral partners who get paid for generating a specific amount of qualified leads per month. PPC or pay-per-click advertising can also help drive leads, especially if you’re a new business looking to get your name out in the market quickly.

4. Nurturing and Contacting Leads

Finally, once you have qualified leads, you need to convert them into clients. Different home buyers are at different stages in their journey, so this part is just as crucial as the first three. For example, if your lead isn’t ready to do anything yet, drip campaigns and occasional phone calls will help keep you top-of-mind.

Mortgage broker automation can help you cut back on time spent prospecting, nurturing, and converting leads. If you have a customer relationship management tool, you can become more efficient and reach more people in less time.


Generating interest in real estate, especially online, involves time and effort. However, when you have a system, you will succeed in managing your leads and prospects. Using automation tools will help you zoom out and see the bigger picture—when you have software taking care of routine tasks, you can concentrate on strategy and activities that build value for you.

Reimagine your entire lead generation system with Effi. Our mortgage broker CRM software is fully customisable and built with security in mind, helping Australian real estate professionals manage enquiries, find better leads, and convert them efficiently. Get your 14-day free trial today, or contact us to learn more!