Mortgage broker CRM

Mortgage Broker Tools: Choosing the Best CRM Software

The real estate industry is incredibly complex, and working as a mortgage broker can be very stressful if you don’t have the right tools at your disposal. Thankfully, leaps in technology have brought digitisation and automatisation to the forefront across all industries. These days, there is no longer reason for mortgage brokers to perform tedious, repetitive aspects of their job.

 Leveraging the right software can take your mortgage company to the next level. You can make workflow much more efficient for everyone in your team, allowing access to all the information they need in the blink of an eye. The best mortgage broker software is also safe and secure, so you won’t have to worry about any of your professional data being vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Benefits of a Good Mortgage CRM

Mortgage customer relationship management (CRM) software is a crucial tool for mortgage professionals. CRM software helps with front-end operations, including contact management and organised client information for easy access to all members of the team.

With the right mortgage CRM, you can easily scale your business as you continue to grow. You should choose a CRM that already integrates with the tools you are already using. Since there are numerous types of software available, you should be able to find one that you can implement without having to start from scratch. Choose one that doesn’t have to recalibrate every time you implement new business processes.

In 2021, consumers are very digitally savvy, and they expect their service providers to provide them avenues of access 24/7. Mobile-friendly mortgage CRMs allow you to provide client information even when you’re away from your office computer. Having all mortgage data literally in the palm of your hand is a tremendous benefit for you and your employees.

Choosing the Best CRM Software

Not all CRM software is created the same, and there are certain characteristics you need to look out for when evaluating potential choices.

1. Ease of Use

First and foremost, your CRM software should work for you. You and your employees have developed an efficient workflow. Your CRM of choice should streamline that, instead of making it more complicated. Some software options have a myriad of high-tech features that seem attractive on the surface but may not be helpful for you in the long run. Don’t hesitate to choose something simpler and more functional if you know you’ll be able to use that system to its full potential.

2. Automated Processes

Your choice of mortgage software should help you with your foremost responsibility: meeting your client’s needs. You can follow through with all client requests much more quickly if your tedious processes are automated. This includes tasks such as lead nurturing, appointment scheduling, email marketing, and other administrative tasks.

3. Complete Compliance

The real estate industry is bogged down with dozens of laws and regulations in specific states and countries. There are numerous guidelines to keep track of, so your mortgage software should be built to tread as carefully as possible. Before signing up and paying for a service, do your due diligence and make sure your CRM software of choice meets all local compliance requirements.


The perfect CRM software tailor-fit for mortgage brokers can bring tremendous benefits to you and your team. It can significantly lighten the load when it comes to repetitive tasks and instead free up time and energy for more productive activities. The best CRM software should fit your existing data infrastructure and make things much easier for you.

If you’re looking for a high-quality mortgage broker CRM in Australia, Effi is the best choice for you. We’ve created the ultimate platform with dozens of advanced features that add real value and lead to peak productivity. Sign up for a 14-day free trial today!